COVID-19 Measures & Support

Energy Wind & Renewables’ has taken substantial measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 through increased awareness & training, physical restrictions, pandemic guidelines, and the appointment of a COVID response team, who will be actively researching and implementing the latest measures and practices to ensure the safety of our clients, our employees, and our contractors.

Employee Awareness & Training

COVID-19 preventative measures include a focus on employee training and awareness. As part of this initiative, we have:

  • Increased awareness to our employees and visitors regarding COVID-19 – how it spreads, effective prevention measures, and what the symptoms include. Information regarding COVID-19 is always referenced using credible government resources such as Alberta Health Services (AHS) and The Centre for Disease Control (CDC).
  • Encouraged our employees to familiarize themselves with Federal and Provincial Web based resources to keep current and up to date.
  • Implemented a Fit for Duty – Daily Self Assessment Questionnaire, so that each day employees, as well as anyone coming to our work sites, is assessed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Physical Restrictions

Physical restrictions and adjustments to our property, office-space and equipment have been made to mitigate COVID-19 exposure and transmission. Some of these adjustments include:

  • Increased distance between and amongst our various shop bays, which are separated by walls to further create distance between employees on site.
  • Employees that must work in the office due to essential operations are asked to ensure they are at least meeting the 2 Metre distancing requirement.
  • Relocated personnel into empty offices or moved workstations to further self distancing requirements.
  • Secured entry doors to key code and fob access only, where we can, so as to prevent unannounced visitors or interactions.
  • Employees experiencing symptoms or who may have been exposed to someone who may be suspect or has to be tested are sent home until tests are confirmed negative, or until the suggested self isolation times has passed.
  • Restricted guests and visitors from showing up unannounced. Any site visit must be pre-approved by their designated contact manager. Sign in details are required by each approved visitor.

Increased Sanitary Measures

Sanitary measures have increased, and have been modified to meet and exceed AHS and government pandemic guidelines. These measures include:

  • Increased the number of sanitization units throughout the office, as well as increased the promotion of hand washing using government approved and recommended products.
  • Increased our cleaning and sanitation daily. We have confirmed that our cleaners are using professionally approved and healthcare regulated grade cleaners and that following usage protocols of each to ensure proper effectiveness.
  • Spray sanitizer has been allocated and made readily available to all employees so that cranes, vehicles and equipment can be effectively sanitized at the beginning and end of every shift.
  • Face shields have been installed on hard hats for those work sites that require it.

COVID Task Force

As part of our COVID-19 measures, EWR has implemented a COVID-19 Task Group focused on relaying timely and effective COVID-19 related information to all employees, managers and associates.

Revised Business Practices

With new pandemic measures in place, EWR has adapted our business practices to best reflect these changes, which include:

  • Increased internal communications in terms of steps we are taking to address COVID-19, and prevent the spread.
  • Created alternating shifts for work hours, breaks and lunches to limit the number of employees that are in the various common areas at one time. The number of people is strictly enforced to respect the 2 Metre Distancing requirement.
  • Non-essential business travel is either cancelled or postponed. Protocols have been put into place to ensure strict guidelines are met should any essential travel be required.
  • All employee lodging and accommodation providers have been verified to ensure that they have taken the necessary COVID-19 sanitation and implementation pre-cautions and have shared with us their incident management protocols.
  • All corporate events, group activities and gatherings are either been postponed or cancelled altogether.
  • Meetings of any kind are done through an online portal or teleconference arrangement.

Remote Working

EWR encourages employees and contractors to work from home, when possible. As part of this mandate, the following adjustments have been made:

  • Implemented work-from-home flexibility plan for all employees that can indeed do so.
  • Increased our remote access capabilities company-wide, so employees can continue to work from home with ease.
  • Working from home, flexible work arrangements, and staggered start times are respected to increase social distancing, as well as address child or day care challenges.

Mental Health Support

In these uncertain times, stress, anxiety, and depression are areas that need close attention. EWR provides support and guidance to our employees and contractors that include:

  • An increase in availability to discuss stress, anxiety and employee mental health concerns has been implemented during these challenging times.
  • Encouragement of our employees to reach out to their Manager, Human Resources or our external Employee Family for support
  • An Employee Family Assistance Plan (EFAP) – that is available 24 hours a day.